26 de nov. de 2007

camionete roosmalen

Vendo o que ocorreu com o Marc Van Roosmalen ("Camionete Roosmalen"), da pra dar-se conta dos intereses que tem o governo do Brasil na Amazônia, que são muito mais economicos do que sociais ou ambientais. Um homem que descobreu para a ciéncia um monte de novos primates, e que continúa descrevendo espécies aínda non catalogadas de mamíferos:

“For if there are out there big tree-dwelling, ground-dwelling and even aquatic mammals not known to science - a dwarf tapir, a giant peccary, a white deer, a dwarf manatee, another river dolphin, to name a few - what do we really know about its flora and fauna? Very Little. About its ecology - the utterly complex web of relationships between plants and animals? Even less. Then what do we know about the sustainability of this ecosystem? Absolutely nothing.”
- Marc G.M. van Roosmalen PH.D.

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